Isalo National Park, lies amidst the Jurassic-era highlands of the country’s southwest. Established in 1962, it protects over 190,000 acres of land dominated by a dramatic sandstone massif that has been eroded by time and weather into an otherworldly collection of plateaus, canyons, gorges, and pinnacles. Iron and mineral deposits stain the rock formations a rainbow of different colors, and the dense forests and grassland plains that surround them are filled with unique flora and fauna. The park’s pristine forests provide a home for no fewer than 14 lemur species, ranging from the iconic ring-tailed lemur to the endangered Verreaux’s sifaka. Over 80 bird species have been recorded, of which 27 are endemic to Madagascar.
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Let’s Explore… Oita!
Kyushu is Japan's third largest island; it has seven distinct prefectures – Oita being one of them. Surrounded by the mountains and the sea, nature-rich Oita Prefecture is best known for hot springs. It ranks the highest in
Jiangsu Famil
Last month I (Kim from the MW Tours Marketing Team!) was lucky enough to travel to the beautiful Jiangsu Province in China, with five fantastic Travel Agents from Cairns. We flew from Cairns to Shanghai on